Generally, there are four styles of a business letter;
1) Full Block Style;
2) Modified Block Style;
3) Semi Block Style; and
4)Indented Style.
1) Full Block Style;
2) Modified Block Style;
3) Semi Block Style; and
4)Indented Style.
1. Full Block style
Full block style is also known as block style. In this
style, all elements of the letter are justified to the left. This business
letter style is becoming very common, for the obvious reason that
typing in this manner is easier, especially on a computer.Below is an example of the Full block style:
2. Modified Block Style
In the modified formal letter styles, the following letter
elements are aligned from the middle of the paper, making them seem as though they are aligned right:
- Return address
- Date
- The Complimentary close
- The sender’s Name and signature
The following elements are aligned left:
- The Recipients Name and title
- The Recipient’s address
- Salutation
- Body
This style is demonstrated in the sample below. Note
carefully the following:
- The paragraphs may be indented
- When the paragraphs are indented, no line spacing should be left.
- When paragraphs are indented with no line spacing between then, then this style is known as the Semi-block style.
This style is preferable to business letters that are more
informal in nature.
3. Semi Block Style
style of semi block style is quite similar to modified
block style. The difference is only the style of writing body of letter.
In modified block style, body of letter is written in full
block style but in semi block style is in indent.
4. Indented Style
The style of indented style is quite similar to semi block
style. The difference occurred in writing inside address. The writing style of inside address in semi block style is full block
style but in indented style is in indent.
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